Camping Manners
Central & Southern Yorke Peninsula Visitor's Guide (2018)
These are just a few of the top camping rules and we're sure there are many more. Generally, the idea is just to use your common sense, and you will have a fantastic experience on your camping trip. And most of all, your fellow campers will thank you for it!
- Generators - most people go camping to enjoy the peace and quiet and may not appreciate a noisy generator - of course if you need to run a generator throughout the night for medical reasons, try to camp away from others to minimise disruption.
- Avoid walking through other people's campsites - ensure you and your children walk around the areas being used by other campers
- Leave no trace of your visit - don't spoil it for the next visitor!
- Take your rubbish with you, don't throw anything in the fire that won't completely burn away and leave the campsite spotless - or risk receiving a $315 expiation notice for littering from our council's ranger
- If you're an early riser - be mindful that other campers won't want to be woken by your noise
- Where pets are allowed, make sure that they are under control - in most cases that means keeping them on a leash - and please pick up any droppings
- Sound travels at night and many campers retire early - be respectful of such campers, and ensure your partying does not affect others
- Be friendly to everyone you come across share a drink or a friendly word, but don't become an unwanted guest who hangs around and doesn't know when it's time to return to their own campsite
- If a campsite has facilities, please leave them clean and tidy