G'day I'm Sandy from Outdoor Connection and this is Josh. He's going to help me today and show you how to set up the Tanbar Air Tent.

As you can see we've already taken it out of the carry bag and we've got it ready to unroll. So the first step is to unroll it, unfold it, and ready to peg out.

The next step is to peg out the four corners. It's best to do it that way because it gets it nice and square to start with and you're right to go for the rest of the tent.

Two people it's quite handy because you can get one on each corner and peg it down at the same time picking it nice and taut each time. Right now we're ready to pump up the tent.

So if you're not going to be putting the awning out, with the door closed, just peg it out like this.

All right now we're going to show you how to set the awning up. It's a three pole awning and that allows you to have pitch on the roof so it drains water away.

The adjustable awning poles come in three pieces so assemble them like this. A long one goes up in the middle and two shorter ones on each side.

The last step is to take this strap underneath the top of the awning and place it up into the clip there. Tension it up. That takes a sag out of the tent.

Okay if you've got the awning up you don't need to have this flap here. If you take it, roll it up. It takes it out of the way and you get a bit more space under the awning. Also when you put your awning sidewalls in, the optional awning sidewalls, it gives you much more space underneath.

It's important to put the guy ropes out. All four top tie ropes are all that are needed.

But if it's really strong wind we recommend putting these ones out as well. You just pull them out and make sure when you set it up that you twist the tape a little bit because otherwise it hums in the in the breeze if it's flat.

Pick it out about half a metre from the tent and just tension it up there like that. Put this little velcro tie just around it like that.

Okay we're going to peg out the Ventraflow panels down below here. That gives a good ventilation of air down below were you sleep and also they can be left out in heavy rain.
Peg them out at about a 45 degree angle so that's it all set up ready to go. Happy camping with it!

Right now we're going to pack up the Tanbar Air. We've already pulled the pegs out except for the four corners. I've just taken the ridge pole out and we're going to release the air from that. Push some of the air out and lay it down.

Then we come around here. Okay so now we release the air from the tent. Just undo the valve; the big one that is.

Down she goes! Don't forget to release the valve. Open the valve up on the other side because that'll help the air escape.

Okay so we're leaving the four corners in the pegs in at the moment and we're just going to fold the tent so it sits neatly before we roll it all up.

So first thing is to grab the top corners you can see where the guy ropes are in there.

Just lift it up and pull it right over. Because you've left the pegs in, it'll only go so far. Fold it back on itself.

Go over to the other side do exactly the same thing, pull it over and then tuck it under. Just try and make it neat and so that it folds easier.

Now we pull out the four corner pegs so we're using the Outdoor Connection peg puller here which makes the job so much easier. Just slide that under. Use the leverage to pull it up and it's out. Quick and easy!

So now we're going to fold the tent up and ready to roll it. So take one side on the rear end fold it right over a little bit past a third.
Grab the front and fold it in about 20 centimetres. Flip it over like that and then take it over all the way.

Now we're ready to roll it up but remember roll it towards the open valves. That way we push all the air out and it'll be more compact. So remember when you're rolling, roll it really tight. Take your time and use your knees a bit sometimes just to put pressure.

Before you roll it just make sure you have your ties out ready. Tie it up at the end. So now I'll show you how to tie it up and place it in the carry bag.

And there you have it all packed up. Ready to go in the oversized Outdoor Connection carry bag.